S. No. | Title and Authors Name | Country |
1 |
In vitro activities of the methanolic extracts and fractions of Bridelia ferruginea Benth on clinical isolates of multidrug resistant gram-negative bacteria
Dada-Adegbola HO and Moody JO
Pages: 01-09 | 910 Views 333 Downloads | Country: Nigeria
Nigeria |
2 |
Antioxidant activity, metal content, and essential oil composition of two desert truffles species: Terfezia boudieri and Terfezia claveryi
Ghassan M Sonji, Mohammad Assi, Nada M Sonji, Rima Boukhary and Mohamad Rahal
Pages: 10-19 | 1511 Views 710 Downloads | Country: Lebanon
Lebanon |
3 |
Antiprotozoal activity and phenolic constituents of ethyl acetate extract from Parinari excelsa sabine (Chrysobalanaceae)
Vincent Assamoi Adiko, Landry Claude Ahmont Kablan, Faustin Aka Kabran, Chardin Seri Seri, Timothée Aboua Okpekon and Barthélemy Koffi Attioua
Pages: 20-23 | 1054 Views 393 Downloads | Country: Côte d'Ivoire
Côte d'Ivoire |
4 |
Novel Coleus antimicrobial activity against S. agalactiae and S. pyogenes
Troy B Puga, Joshua Schafer, Caitlin Q Schiefelbein, Nasir Islam and Prince N Agbedanu
Pages: 24-26 | 1106 Views 403 Downloads | Country: United States
United States |
5 |
Nasturtium antimicrobial activity against Streptococcus agalactiae
Joshua Schafer, Troy B Puga, Priscilla L Tellis, Nasir Islam and Prince N Agbedanu
Pages: 27-29 | 1109 Views 404 Downloads | Country: United States
United States |
6 |
Antimicrobial activity and chemical investigation of Pongamia pinnata L. Leaf
Le Van Nho, Pham Duc Thang, Vo Van Sy, Nguyen Huy Hoang and Pham Thu Huong
Pages: 30-32 | 1577 Views 640 Downloads | Country: Viet Nam
Viet Nam |
7 |
Study of lipids and some biologically active compounds of Sambucus ebulus L. spread in Georgia
B Kikalishvili, TS Sulakvelidze, M Getia, M Malania and D Turabelidze
Pages: 33-35 | 755 Views 249 Downloads | Country: Georgia
Georgia |
8 |
Relationship between antibacterial activity and constituents of Cryptomeria japonica essential oil
Yoshihiro Inoue, Kenta Takahashi and Ryoko Chiba
Pages: 36-38 | 913 Views 354 Downloads | Country: Japan
Japan |
9 |
Antioxidant activity and Phytocompounds from Rogeria adenophylla J. Gay crude extract
Mijinyawa H, Kwaji A, Atiko R, Adamu HM and Chindo IY
Pages: 39-44 | 1141 Views 497 Downloads | Country: Nigeria
Nigeria |
10 |
Qualitative and quantitative estimation of phyto constituents in different solvent extracts of leaf of Tabernaemontana divaricata
Ankita Kulshreshtha and Jyoti Saxena
Pages: 45-50 | 2175 Views 1201 Downloads | Country: India
India |