S. No. | Title and Authors Name | Country |
1 |
Biochemical shift of mustard grown under cadmium contaminated soil
Jagdish Chand and Prasann Kumar
Pages: 178-181 | 1590 Views 554 Downloads | Country: India
India |
2 |
Evaluation of groundnut genotypes for resistance against aphid (Aphis craccivora Koch) in semi-arid region of Rajasthan
Sunil Gocher, Manoj Kumhar, BL Jat and Sarfraz Ahmad
Pages: 182-184 | 1412 Views 534 Downloads | Country: India
India |
3 |
Evaluation of tomato genotypes for fruit yield and quality traits under Chhattisgarh plain conditions
Anupama Lakra, Jitendra Trivedi and Sunidhi Mishra
Pages: 185-189 | 1570 Views 567 Downloads | Country: India
India |
4 |
Antioxidant activity of Eucalyptus globulus Labill root extracts
Basil Nse Ita
Pages: 190-194 | 1450 Views 546 Downloads | Country: Nigeria
Nigeria |
5 |
Evaluation of different plant extracts against Alternaria solani (Ellis and Martin) Sorauer caused early blight of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.)
Manisha Sen, Ram Chandra and Amit Kumar Tiwari
Pages: 195-197 | 1898 Views 913 Downloads | Country: India
India |
6 |
In vitro antioxidant activity of Phyllanthus niruri leaf extracts
Radha P and J Saranya
Pages: 198-201 | 2652 Views 1499 Downloads | Country: India
India |
7 |
Influence of foliar application of nutrients on yield and economics of chickpea
VS Kirnapure, AA Choudhary, AN Gawate and SN Potkile
Pages: 202-204 | 2079 Views 960 Downloads | Country: India
India |
8 |
Anxiolytic and curative effect of Solanum macrocarpon leaves extract on acetaminophen induced brain injury in adult Wistar rats
Ozioko Onyinye Mary, Ozioko Uche Sebastine, Mba Christian Ejuiwa, Ozor Ignatius Ikemefuna and Egwuatu Dominic
Pages: 205-212 | 1516 Views 580 Downloads | Country: Nigeria
Nigeria |
9 |
Effect of silicon nutrition on physiological and biochemical parameters of maize at different dates of sowing
Hanumant P Bevinakatti, MP Potdar, BN Arvindkumar and CM Navalagatti
Pages: 213-218 | 1551 Views 361 Downloads | Country: India
India |
10 |
Integrated disease management (IDM) strategies to check the late blight (Phytophthora infestans) disease apart from boosting the yield of potato crop
SH Peerzada, HS Viswanath and KA Bhat
Pages: 219-225 | 1246 Views 345 Downloads | Country: India
India |